Foliot News

Foliot’s specialized installation team prepares to install dorm room furniture.
Colleges & Universities

The importance of a specialized installation team for your dorm room furniture

July 31, 2024 |

Throw any old dorm room furniture into a dorm, and you have a ready-to-go living space in minutes, with no setup, customization, or troubleshooting...
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The Foliot Furniture team works on manufacturing contract-grade furniture in the warehouse.

Why choose a contract-grade furniture supplier? (It’s all about the process)

July 2, 2024 |

Here’s your challenge: Furnish a commercial space with high-quality contract-grade furniture. It needs to be beautiful. You need to create a...
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Material matters: 5 factors to guide your choice in furniture materials

June 19, 2024 |

As you compare furniture products or collaborate with a vendor on your furniture design, carefully consider the material(s) you choose. Furniture...
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Quality Contract Grade Furniture

The cost benefits of investing in quality contract furniture

June 5, 2024 |

Thinking through your budget for a major purchase is rarely as simple as asking, “How much can I afford to spend?” When it comes to furniture...
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A Foliot employee working to ensure the quality of their contract-grade furniture.
Quality Contract Grade Furniture

Why quality matters: the craftsmanship behind contract-grade furniture

May 29, 2024 |

What makes a space truly stand out? Or live up to its purpose? Or feel comfortable, grounded, and useful in a specific, practical way? Immediate...
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